Vince Young Arrested For DUI In Austin Texas, Takes DIESEL Mug Shot



(Source) Two years removed from his last stint with an NFL team, Young has been arrested for driving while intoxicated in Austin, according to FOX 7 in Austin. The arrest has been confirmed by the authorities, but no details are available just yet.

Here’s hoping Young gets it together now that football is clearly in his rear-view mirror, even though at age 32 he should still be playing.





2 Things.



1. I know police officers have to do their job but Vince Young being arrested in Austin? Really? Texas football has been NOTHING since Vince Young. That’s a call a tow truck and drive VY home situation if I’ve ever seen one. Christ Texas, I thought it was football over everything.



2. When your diet was supposed to start every Monday for the past 4 years. Looks like Vince and I share a nutritionist.






h/t bustedcoverage

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